A review by jdgcreates
You're a Horrible Person, But I Like You: The Believer Book of Advice by Eric Spitznagel, David Cross


If you need a laugh, pick up this easy-read. If you want to feel euphoric because the world contains *so many* very funny people, this is the book for you. If you are a very gullible and literal person, do not follow any of the advice in this book!

If you need advice about how to deal with cat-callers, ask Samantha Bee.

For clarity on the carbohydrate content of cashews vs. semen, give yourself over to Michael Ian Black
Larry Doyle can help you see why being "likeable" is not all it's cracked up to be (hint: Hitler was well-liked).

Need help to live a meaningful life? Zach Galiafianakis offers five suggestions for getting started.

For vegetarian dog-owners, Aasif Mandvi has very important information about how to convert your canine to an herbivore.

Do you live in Oregon and need a dose of humble pie? Adam McKay will serve it up.

Rain makes you sad, doesn't it? Well it makes Patton Oswalt sadder.

Are your new roommates loud and uncouth? Paul F. Tompkins will tell you how not to deal with them.

Or maybe it's your next-door neighbors stirring hatred in your heart? Lizz Winstead has some light to shed on that topic.

And for all of us out there who are crushing on a librarian, Sarah Vowell offers the best advice in town on how to seduce him with microfilm.

But for all the pertinent information these brilliant people put on the table, it is Rob Corddry who really cuts to the chase:

Dear Rob:
There's this shop around here that sells foofy stuff. Bells and whistles. Seashells, feathers, fancy cups. Absinthe. Gem-studded coasters. Dessert napkins. Lots of French imports. Should I feel guilty about buying things from there? Is it obvious that I only like this stuff because I'm being ironic? If not, how do I make my guests aware that I'm not the kind of guy who shops at foofy stores?
J.M. Barrie
San Francisco, CA

Dear J.M.:
The answer to your real question is yes, I do not like you.