A review by missriki
Behind the Scenes by Dahlia Adler


Hollywood YA with a smart, ambitious protagonist and a swoon worthy love interest with abs to die for? Check and check. And thank goodness! This was just the lighthearted, fun read that I was looking for and I absolutely adored the characters in this book!

I loved the incredible, always-there-for-you-no-matter-what friendship between Ally and Vanessa. Dahlia Adler does a great job of writing two girls who have very different goals in life yet rely on each other for support. I loved that Ally was reluctant to get into the Hollywood scene and how she maintains her integrity and poise even when the industry tries its best to get her down.

Oh, and Liam! (And incidentally, Liam’s abs!) What a wonderful love interest for Ally! If Ally is reluctant to get involved in Hollywood dealings, then Liam stands by her side. He’s a little unimpressed by all of the fame and fortune himself and I loved how he embraces Ally and their absolutely adorable study sessions. So cute! The scenes where they “study” French are worth the price of admission alone. Their chemistry is undeniable and so fun to read.

This book is a wonderful behind-the scenes look at Hollywood life and has a great, upbeat pace, with a swoon worthy love story and plenty of drama. Fans of contemporary YA will adore this book!

*UPDATE: In this novel we meet bad boy Josh, who I loved, and you’ll be happy to know that he gets his own story in Adler’s follow-up novel, UNDER THE LIGHTS. It is split POV between Josh and Vanessa (who gets her own wonderful love story) and it is amazing!
Hollywood YA with a smart, ambitious protagonist and a swoon worthy love interest with abs to die for? Check and check. And thank goodness! This was just the lighthearted, fun read that I was looking for and I absolutely adored the characters in this book!

I loved the incredible, always-there-for-you-no-matter-what friendship between Ally and Vanessa. Dahlia Adler does a great job of writing two girls who have very different goals in life yet rely on each other for support. I loved that Ally was reluctant to get into the Hollywood scene and how she maintains her integrity and poise even when the industry tries its best to get her down.

Oh, and Liam! (And incidentally, Liam’s abs!) What a wonderful love interest for Ally! If Ally is reluctant to get involved in Hollywood dealings, then Liam stands by her side. He’s a little unimpressed by all of the fame and fortune himself and I loved how he embraces Ally and their absolutely adorable study sessions. So cute! The scenes where they “study” French are worth the price of admission alone. Their chemistry is undeniable and so fun to read.

This book is a wonderful behind-the scenes look at Hollywood life and has a great, upbeat pace, with a swoon worthy love story and plenty of drama. Fans of contemporary YA will adore this book!

*UPDATE: In this novel we meet bad boy Josh, who I loved, and you’ll be happy to know that he gets his own story in Adler’s follow-up novel, UNDER THE LIGHTS. It is split POV between Josh and Vanessa (who gets her own wonderful love story) and it is amazing!