A review by blogginboutbooks
The Girl Beneath the Sea by Andrew Mayne


There's a lot to like about this series opener. It's a fast read with lots of action to keep the reader turning pages. Sloan and her cohorts are likable, if not super original or memorable. The scuba diving/evidence recovery diving focus is an intriguing one that I haven't encountered before in a police procedural. The details are interesting (especially since I have no diving knowledge whatsoever) but didn't bog down the story. While the book's plot doesn't hold any surprises, it moved along at a decent clip and was compelling enough to keep me reading. Mayne's prose is skilled. All of these elements combine to create a novel that is exciting and entertaining. While there's nothing overly amazing about it, I quite enjoyed THE GIRL BENEATH THE SEA and am definitely interested in reading the next book in the series.