A review by reflexandresolve
nEvermore! Tales of Murder, Mystery and the Macabre by David McDonald, Nancy Kilpatrick, Caro Soles, Loren Rhoads, Robert Bose


I, like a number of women who once were angsty-goth-wanna-be-weirdo-teenagers had a Poe phase, although I don't remember actually reading much of his work. But, given this collection ALSO had a short story by Margaret Atwood, I figured -- what could go wrong?

A lot, as it turns out.

Now, not every story in the book is terrible. Some of them are pretty decent, but they are far outweighed by the wretched ones. I'm not entirely convinced that some of them weren't actually written by authors when they were angsty-goth-wanna-be-weirdo-teenagers with no literary talent.

I did, however, learn about the Poe Toaster. Which is kind of neat.