A review by christinavarela
The Paris Hours by Alex George


FW 11. Paris. My favorite city in the world. I could easily see all of the places mentioned in this book. For the first half of this book I was really enjoying this post World War I story and meeting all of these characters. The big question was how are they all going to come together? I also really liked the way the author used real life lost generation artists.In the last 1/4 of the book I was starting to dread how this was going to end, as all signs pointed to something tragic. For a second I thought they were all going to die in the fire, and then I was going to be pissed. After the Ariel incident I thought we were done with the Jean Paul search for his daughter and that maybe she just in fact died and her remains were never found since she was a baby. So, the end was a twist I was not expecting at that point. I then did not want the story to end because I wanted to know what happened when Jean Paul walked into that hotel.