A review by rhifallows
Dog Days by Ericka Waller


A book with dog in the title? Sign me up!

This one has been on my kindle for a wee while and I decided to start reading it towards the end of my honeymoon when I was missing my own little pooches greatly!

As I mentioned in my monthly wrap up, I very much enjoyed this book but maybe not for the reasons that I initially thought I would. It’s an easy enough read that I sailed through but with some hefty topics (definitely look up trigger warnings) at its heart and it was definitely a lot more serious than maybe I first thought it might be.

Although dogs are the common thread in the novel, we actually follow three unconnected people who live in the same town. They’re all dealing with different issues and I became thoroughly engrossed in each of their stories. George, the belligerent old man with a sausage dog puppy, was obviously going to be my favourite, but the other two I found very interesting too, if not necessarily likeable.

Ultimately this is a story of grief, loneliness, mental health, finding love, but also the healing power of dogs. They really are the best!