A review by kelseareads
Finder by Emma Bull


Elves and punks and urban fantasy landscapes just speaks to me tbh so I was probably going to love this book from the get-go. I would have finished this immediately except I was a terrible person and snuck a peek ahead and then put off reading it because I'm a huge freakin' wimp.

Spoiler-free warning: this book is sad. Like sad-to-the-core sad. In a mostly good way.

I love Emma Bull's ability to create a fully-realized world, and how accessible it was. Despite the very supernatural situation, a lot of it was really relatable, especially when looking at the young runaways so desperate for a better life, where they're not who they've been, they'll try anything. In my experience, a lot of authors basing books in imagined worlds spend so much time elaborating on their world that they tend to forget their characters. Emma Bull found a nice balance, in my opinion, and I'm still having a lot of Feelings about Tick-Tick and Orient's friendship, one of those you'll recognize if you've experienced it. That kind of platonic love is very special, and unfortunately often shafted aside for the sake of romance.

I found the plot itself a little straightforward and a little cliche, as most of it I could have predicted from the get-go, but I'm the kind of person who treasures better developed characters over better developed plot, so it didn't concern me too much. Also, fantasy-punk hybrid city, so. Worth it.