A review by 10iii_kat
Falling for Your Best Friend by Emma St. Clair


If we really love people, we shouldn't be hiding any aspect of who we are. Part of love is being willing to tell the truth- in all areas.
"Friends to lovers" isn't my favorite trope, but if it's written right I might just like it and Emma St. Clair was able to make me feel good.

Harper and her story about her trying to find out why she is the way she is was understandable but I feel like it was kind of rushed and missed a few steps here and there (unless I missed something, maybe from other books).
Chase, on the other hand, was a well-written character, his love for Harper is obvious and he would do anything for her.
I enjoyed the second part of the book more - especially the scenes with the goat and their camping trip for work. (The tent scene was cool