A review by abenajanet
The Sex Lives of African Women by Nana Darkoa Sekyiamah


“I want someone who can love me to the standard that I love”
More like 4.5 stars…Ms.Sekyiamah!!!! Just wow!! What a stunning work of art! Thank you! This is a much needed conversation! A much needed content among black women! I found myself wanting to read mote and more about the experiences of so many black/african women within the diaspora! How we are so much alike!!! How we are so much in need of community and being seen and heard!! You did that with this! Each and every one of these women told poignant, magnificent and powerful stories! I am in awe of this work and beyond grateful to live in a time where this work simply exists! Sex should never be a taboo! Sex should be celebrated, it should be talked about, it should be taught to the younger generation in a comprehensive manner of course! I found myself reflecting on what I know and what I do not know when it comes to sex. I have so much to learn and unlearn especially growing up in a culture that shames women for having premarital sex, for enjoying sex, or for simply daring to ask about sex! I could go on and on an on about how refreshing it was to read these individual stories and just being so impressed and in awe of this brilliant Ghanaian woman author! Highly recommend!! A must read!!