A review by pixiefairy15
Goddess of Legend by P.C. Cast



It was alright, I guess.

That's probably the worst thing anyone can say about a book. It wasn't good, it wasn't bad, it was meh.

Now, this came as a bit of a disappointment to me. The first book in the series was weird, but I was prepared, thanks to your lovely selves. I really enjoyed the rest of the series, and then came this one.

It was really confusing at the beginning, and I often had to read the page twice before I understood it. The writing was stilted and muddled, and don't get me wrong, I love PC, but she can't write in old languages. The language is supposed to flow easily, and it didn't in this series. I felt like there were too many chunks of dialogue and no description of what the characters are doing. Like, at one point, Arthur's in bed and talking to Isabel, and then suddenly he's standing up and walking out the door, and I'm like: wait, what? *rereads page, but no mention of him getting out of bed*. Also, Isabel's and Arthur's characters aren't built up enough. I know, I know, the whole bloody book is about them, but the only characters I thought were actually built up was Gwen. And even then, she had a random mood swing and was like, 'No Izzy, all the things you suggested to me yesterday were actually MY ideas, so stuff that up your pretty little but.' And then, five minutes later, she's like 'oh, hey, all your ideas are pretty cool, we should do them.' And I'm left going 'WTF?'

Also, NOTHING HAPPENS. Like, actual nothing. Sure, there's a lot of lusting after people, but THAT'S IT. And they prevent a war happening by baking poisonous pasties. WTH? And Mordred. Grrrrrrrr Mordred. He presents the PERFECT plot device for a little betrayal, as the angry 'imma take your throne' bastard son. And helloooooo, Arthur doesn't even need to acknowledge him. Bastard, remember? So then, after a little kick in the balls, he's like, 'Oh, Father! I'm so sorry! Love you really!' And I waited, I waited for the moment when Mordred throws it back in Arthur's face, and goes 'I'M BETRAYING YOU ALL! GOODNIGHT!'
It never happened.
And the ending was crap, too.
Rant over :)