A review by sandywilliams03
Aimee and the Heartthrob by Ophelia London


Disclaimer: I know the author through my local Romance Writers of America chapter. I saw her cover, thought it was totally adorable, and decided to give it a try even though I rarely read contemporary books or YA books.

So, after finishing the utterly awesome, I-can't-stop-thinking-about-it, OMG-why-hasn't-the-whole-world-read-this-book called The Martian, I needed something completely different to read. This book is so not what I usually read, but I read it quickly and found myself coming back to it every time I set it aside. I also grinned like a school girl. I think it's because this book made me feel like I was a kid with a crush on a popstar. We've all been there, right? Right? Well, I totally related to Aimee. NKOTB anyone? And this book made me feel young. While also making me feel very, very old. I understood all the lingo in the book, but I don't talk that way at all (probably a good thing), and that made me respect the author because it felt like she nailed the voice. It also made me realize I would probably utterly fail if I tried to write a contemporary young adult novel.

Plot was what you would expect from this book. No surprises. Just a lot of cuteness.

Oh, one last thought. Seconds to Juliet is an AWESOME band name.