A review by booking_along
Hummingbirds Fly Backwards by Amy Cheung


The books starts with the rather catching sentences: "I've always wanted to write a story whose protagonist a bra"

To me that looks like a very different and Interesting sounding start.

Sadly for me the story could not stand up the that, and felt a bit flat overall to me.

There was just something missing! that hooked me, in the writing, the characters and the overall story itself.

The characters missed actual characterization for me, the overall story for me had no point of actual plot to follow along and felt more like different short stories put together to try and get an entire book together instead of an actual completed and finished story. The entire thing just was a bit of a "what am I reading here" moment from start to finish.

That does not mean that this is a bad book, or not worth for anyone to try!

It simply means that for me personally right now, this book was not right.
That can have different reasons, for one I could just not have been in the mood for this specific type of books , the more romentic, not really having a topic kind of book.

Or thre might have been something lost in the translation. Or in the overall cultural differences between what is seen as funny or cute and what I think is.

Either way this book was not what I expect and sadly that meant that I did not have the best time reading this.

BUT if you are someone that loves a differen type of romance book, if you want to read something translated by a Hong Kong author?
If you just love all kinds of romance stories in general? Give this a try and see if it is to your taste.

*i recieved a free advanced copy of this book through NetGalley for free in exchanged for a honest review!*