A review by samalvarez823
Cradles of the Reich by Jennifer Coburn


I just finished this gem and I had to write my review. I’m utterly encapsulated by this read! Jennifer truly hit it out of the ballpark with this truly tragic and horrific subject. I want to thank her and Sourcebooks Landmark for this review copy.

Hitler. Nazi’s. A maternity home to welcome “good German blood” and three completely different women at different times in their lives. What more could you say? Lots. The Germans thought their blood was better than Jewish. This time in history was the most tragic I’ve ever heard or seen. Nothing else can compare to the absolute detestable and horrible things that were done to the Jewish community.

This story wove tragedy into humility. It showed that you can start with a hardened heart and eventually experience human compassion. We must learn from history, we must become better. I truly enjoyed this read. It read easily and fast, the characters were easy to connect with. Five stars all the way and I highly recommend it!