A review by theredheded_bibliomaniac
The Day I Stopped Drinking Milk by Sudha Murty


▶ Sudha Murthy was the only women in her village to consider doing Engineering in that time period, not just that she came first in her college out of 150 students. She was teased by her classmates but she was not distracted as she had bigger goals in her mind.
▶ She also has Masters in Electrical engineering from Indian Institute of Science (again only girl in her batch).
▶ She spoke up for gender bias issue when she saw Telco's advertisement which said " Lady candidate need not apply". She wrote Letter to JRD Tata and to her great surprise she received invitation for interview.
▶ Again she was the First woman to work on a shop floor.
All her conversations with JRD Tata were really great.
▶ From him she learnt that "when we are successful we must give back to society".
And now she is the Chairman of Infosys Foundation.
Through her foundation she has done many philantrophic work and has huge experience with people.

Genre: Real life Short stories
All the stories in this book is based on real life and are good for light reading. It shows her experience with the people on one to one basis.
This book includes stories about :
▪ How she helped a girl who was without ticket in train
▪ A story of a Muslim guy who had hindu sister and mother
▪ Story of a women on Ganga Ghat who had nothing yet she was rich
▪ Why she stopped drinking milk
And many more interesting stories.
These are really great and I loved reading them.
I started reading her books as light read after reading one really long book (1300 pages).
Her stories really touch my heart.
This is one of my fav books by her.
You can complete this one in 3-4 hrs max. .