A review by the_novel_approach
Circle by Garrett Leigh


Stunning. Absolute perfection. I just want to savor this one, and keep it with me for a bit. Maybe even immediately read it again. It’s been three and a half years since I spent time with Ash and Pete from Garret Leigh’s Roads series, but Circle quickly reminded me why I love them so damn much. I didn’t have a chance to reread Slide and Rare before reading Circle, but I wish I would have. It’s definitely not necessary…I was able to get right back into the groove with these guys, even though so much time had passed. But, I would say that if you do have a chance to revisit them, it might make reading this one even more special. Also, if you haven’t yet read Only Love, or have time to revisit it before reading Circle, I would highly suggest doing so. I soooo wish I would have reread it first. Again, it’s not strictly necessary—but, Jed and Max from Only Love play a HUGE role in this part of Pete and Ash’s story, so meeting them and knowing their story first will only enhance the reading experience here.

In the six years since Pete and Ash have been together, they’ve gone through some pretty hefty changes: gaining partial custody of Pete’s nephew, continued recovery both from Ash’s past, and Pete’s life-threatening accident, and the devastating loss of Pete’s mother, Maggie, among them. It’s the latter that’s got Ash so worried about Pete in Circle. It’s obvious to Ash that Pete is depressed—when Maggie died, a part of him died—but he’s at a loss as to how to approach Pete about it, or how to help him fix it. Whatever happens, though, he can’t just watch Pete keep going through the motions.

Early in the book, Pete and Ash both meet Jed, a vet buddy of Pete’s friend Glenn, and it turns out to be total serendipity. Pete and Ash both feel an odd sort of connection to Jed, so when Ash finds out he has a gallery show just twenty minutes from where Jed and his partner live in Oregon, he finds himself packing up some paintings in a van, and hitting the road. Thankfully, with Pete in tow, because this road trip to Oregon might be exactly what the two of them need. The way Garrett Leigh weaves this story together is breathtaking. It’s completely fortuitous that Jed and Max come into Pete and Ash’s lives when they do. It was so amazing to see them again, and to watch them enrich Ash and Pete’s relationship so much. Gahhh, it was so good, you guys. I don’t want to give anything away, obviously, but I have no doubt that every reader will find it as magical as I did.

I know the blurb, and some of what I’ve said so far, makes it all seem a bit heavy—and it is—but even though we know that Pete is in trouble, and Ash feels like they’re drowning by extension, I never felt like their relationship was truly in jeopardy or their love was ever in question. In fact, they felt more solid than ever as a couple, and I thought the story was incredibly romantic. Well, as romantic as Pete and Ash ever get, anyway. This was classic Pete…
If I’d possessed an ounce of romance, I might’ve figured we were made for each other, but I didn’t need romance to know that shit.

Once again, I loved everything about this book. The cover is beyond gorgeous. The title is perfect. The supporting cast is fantastic—I love, love Danni and Joe. And, the epilogue was everything. Another brilliant must-read from Leigh, whose work I adore more with each release it seems.

Reviewed by Jules for The Novel Approach