A review by julie_loves_books
Where Lightning Strikes by A.L. Jackson


Wow. This book. I'm not sure that any review I could write would do it justice. The writing is just absolutely beautiful. It's poetry in novel form.

For the third book in the series, I never expected such a deeply emotional book. A.L. Jackson has given us two very broken characters in Lyrik and Tamar. Both have given up on themselves and ever finding love. Due to past mistakes and trauma, they are each shut off emotionally and have hid behind the walls that they've constructed around themselves for years. But, there's no fighting their attraction for each other. The sexual tension between these two oozes off the page. Through the whole first half of the book, you can feel the storm brewing. The push-pull.

I love Jackson's writing and her story-telling. This is definitely a heavier read and I could feel every emotion that these characters were feeling. I would put the book down and be carrying those feelings around with me until I picked it back up again. That's some powerful writing. Plus, I really cared about each of these characters. I wanted them to find it in themselves to open their hearts and really start living.

Nicknames: Red, Blue

He stood out like a fiery bolt of electricity. A streak of light and a blanket of dark. So destructive and compelling it was impossible to look away, the boy poised to strike and set you aflame.

That girl was a bundle of fireworks, and I was certain we’d go boom.

For one night, I wanted it. I wanted her secrets. I wanted to sink my fingers in and take for myself. She was the exact kind of contradiction I craved. The push and pull. But this time the pull was too great to ignore.

My need for him had hit with the force of a desert storm. Because there was a piece of me already tethered to him. This piece that screamed we were the same. That we belonged.

"So often, that first love feels like it’s the most important thing in the world, when in reality, it’s only there to give us a glimpse…to prepare us…for what it’s really going to feel like when we meet the one we’re supposed to spend our lives with. Because it pales in comparison.”

“You might have given up on yourselves. Just don’t give up on each other.”

"You sing my soul"