A review by bookishaly
The Dreaming, Vol. 1 by Queenie Chan



What is UP with these cliffhangers?!

And I have to wait THREE WEEKS for my library to get Vol II. FML.

On a brighter note! I haven't read a manga since I was... more or less since I was 13, which is sad because I really bloody enjoy them. It's even sadder that there are NO good places around here to borrow/buy mangas, so I have to make do with what I find.

And then I stumbled upon [b:The Dreaming, Vol. 1|330724|The Dreaming, Vol. 1|Queenie Chan|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1348061938s/330724.jpg|321297]. It's everything I look for in a manga and more. A definite must read.

I've never reviewed one, so I'm just gonna throw some pictures at you.

Pretty pretty artwork makes me happy. I can't stand reading manga if the artwork isn't at least decent.