A review by marvsbooks
Device Free Weekend by Sean Doolittle


This was such a crazy book—in the best way. Who of us hasn’t dreamed of having an insanely wealthy buddy who invites us to their private island for a long weekend of fun and relaxation? I mean, I dream about this way too much. For me, the premise alone was incredibly promising.

Then add a terminal diagnosis, and a lock-you-up-until-you-solve-some-puzzles-in-a-ridiculously-high-tech-way situation with serious consequences, and things can’t get any better. Especially when there are multiple hostage situations involved.

I would have loved to see the tower situation with a different outcome, but overall, this was an excellent read for me. It was thrilling, it was exciting, it kept my attention for the duration, it was bingeable, and I would absolutely read it again.

Thanks to NetGalley and the author for an advance copy!