A review by s_books
The Korean Skincare Bible: The Ultimate Guide to K-Beauty Secrets by Sara Jimenez, Lilin Yang, Leah Ganse


If you've already delved a bit into Korean skincare, this book won't really tell you anything new; if you're somehow totally new to Korean beauty this book can serve as a decent introduction -- the ingredients section will be particularly helpful to explaining why Korean products might have some strange-sound ingredients in them (snail slime? bee venom? galacto-what-now?). However, it was a bit strange that with the VAST UNIVERSE of Korean skincare products and brands, the same few brand names kept coming up over and over again; it's possible the authors just have their favorites but it feels a bit like some sort of business partnership and that combined with the "you must" instructions that comes up a few times when they're talking about skincare routines just felt a bit off to me.