A review by ellelainey
Animal Attraction by Vincent Diamond


A brilliant collection of short stories. Each one wasn't nearly long enough because they were all so good. There are varying heat levels, varying degrees of romance. I loved every story - no exception. This book will be a definite regular indulgence for me from now on.

I do have to give a shout out to the last story 'What We Leave Behind'. As you can guess from the title, it's not a happy-go-lucky story. I cried from beginning to end because of Thom's story and how the MC (who has no name, as it's in first person and no-one ever says it) deals with everything that's happened. I've had lymphoma and I know the comfort of a dog, so this story really speaks to me and it was just so cruel/perfect of the person who compiled this anthology, and chose where each story would go, that this was the last short story in the book. Utter genius.

One word - beautiful.