A review by amandameowly
First, We Make the Beast Beautiful: A New Journey Through Anxiety by Sarah Wilson


I really struggled to get through this book. It took me forever to read and I honestly had to push myself to finish it. In fact, I would say that other than a few pieces of wise information, this book made my anxiety worse than actually helped it.

First of all, the astounding place of privilege this book comes from. Wow. At one point the author literally says that she never worries about money. And then has an anecdote about how $10,000 magically appeared when she needed because she forgot about it... Okay, great, must be nice? She then goes on to mention the various ashrams and spas she's been to, to help manage her anxiety. Taking months or a year off of work to go live somewhere on her own...

Then, the best example of her privilege of it all, she talks about a time she was without any documentation and literally stole food and snuck into hostels to stay for free. Of course, this is a white woman we are talking about, so of course no serious repercussions happened other than she finally learned how to "sit with herself." Uh, okay?

It felt like there was less of an actual book about what she knew and experienced, than just a very long list of other books, quotes, references, studies never linked, generalizations, and story after story after story. The fact that the book was broken up into numbered passages made it even worse. Every time I saw a new numbered passage, I would immediately groan, knowing it would start with something like, "M friend Allison and I were sitting at a cafe and she said...." blah blah blah ancient wisdom.

I didn't click or connect with the author well, her tone was all over the place. I felt like I was reading the author's fast-paced inner monologue, like we were going down a steep hill in a bicycle with no brakes.

I'd say skip this book and just read the highlighted notes.