A review by ashcash04
Did I Mention I Need You? by Estelle Maskame


I have so many mixed emotions from this book. On one hand I still love the characters and I liked different parts of the book and I'm still interested in their story. On the other hand, I spent a majority of my time being angry or over it during the story. I honestly think this just shouldn't even have been a book with the way the plot went. I think my biggest issue was that if they would have just told everyone from the start, this entire second book could have been avoided. Which maybe is the point, because then the author would not have had a second book.

If you love someone, be with them, I get it, sometimes your heart doesn't get to choose. But for the love of goodness, DON'T CHEAT ON YOUR BOYFRIEND! I mean seriously, you couldn't wait 6 weeks? You couldn't keep it in your pants for just 6 weeks?! Pathetic. Go on your vacation and visit, then come home and break up with your boyfriend. All it takes is, I don't know, basic human decency? It may be a spoiler, but oh well. A majority of the book is Eden cheating on Dean and feeling so guilty about it and omg she's a terrible person but she just can't help it. Yes you can. You have the rest of your life to be with anyone. You can wait. Or fly back home and break up with him and fly back. I didn't feel bad about anything that happened. They got what was coming to them. You don't cheat and get to keep everything perfect. That was your own fault. I also saw the twist with Rachel visiting from a mile away. Eden is a moron in this book.

For some unknowable reason, I'm still going to read the 3rd book. Don't ask me why. I couldn't tell you. Maybe because they're just so easy to fly through? A guilty pleasure story? I do still really like almost the whole cast of characters and the roles they play. I'm a character driven reader so I think at this point, I care more to see what happens than how much I hated the plot devices in the second book. I think my brain is just going to act like this book didn't happen, and go straight to the third. I REALLY want to see how it ends! If I ignore the infidelity, I was always team Tyler and Eden.


Just a few thoughts:

*I've learned to not be as upset about the cheating in the first book. It wasn't a real relationship, Tiffani was blackmailing him the whole time and that's a situation that wasn't fair to Tyler.
*I literally LAUGHED OUT LOUD at Eden's mom's response. She knew the whole time and bet on it with her boyfriend. Hilarious!
*WOW Eden's dad is a complete a-hole and I can't believe Ella would stay with him after that outburst.
*Why on earth is Jamie so angry? I get that he's shocked and probably disgusted, but I don't feel like the extent of his anger was ever explained.
*Even though I kind of wanted their relationship to crash and burn, I still teared up and was upset when Tyler just up and left. I wasn't expecting that. So props to the author for still grabbing the ounce of care I had left for them.