A review by jamiewagenknecht
A Bright Ray of Darkness by Ethan Hawke

Did not finish book. Stopped at 0%.
Unfortunately this was a book that I had been DYING to read, and yet I couldn’t even give it the grace of making it to 100 pages before I had to DNF…

The writing style was decent, and I have no doubt that that would habe continued throughout, but my problem lies in the way the theme of adultery and the role of women is written.

I kid you not the amount of times I had to pause because I was just baffled about what I had just read.. I nearly thought I should’ve started taking shots everytime someone mentioned a “shaved pussy” or “vaginal fluid”. I usually enjoy levels of vulgarity and bluntness, but it was really towing the line a bit too far out for my personal tastes.

I have also seen that this carries throughout the book so I also feel confident in saying that Ethan Hawke cannot write a woman to save his life - if they aren’t incredibly aroused at all times they are dead silent and apprehensive to express anything other than melancholia. 

The men in the book also all seem to think that adultery is okay? I understand that that probably is accurate for a lot of men to think that way, but surely not every man you meet thinks women are beat up old cars that deserve to be replaced at the earliest convenience…

Perhaps one day in the future I will pick this up again, but as of right now I do not think it is for me