A review by andi10109
All the Pretty Things by Emily Arsenault


I was so excited to read this! Unfortunately , I felt a bit misled…

A thriller set in an amusement park? Um, yes! It started off promising- a boy with Down Syndrome who everyone loved found dead at Fabuland-owned by our MC’s (Ivy) father. Her best friend Morgan was the one to find him. Did Ethan just fall or was he pushed or worse?

Morgan is understandably losing it and is leaving it up to Ivy to find out the truth. But how is she supposed to do that when Morgan is keeping secrets from her? She barely even wants to see Ivy and acts happy to see her one moment and is wanting her gone the next. Ivy doesn’t understand what’s going on with her bestie, but she’s determined to figure it out.

She starts questioning everyone and everything she can think of to get to the bottom of it. Will she push too far? The end of this story was not what I was expecting and took a turn I didn’t sign up for, but to be honest, it was the most exciting part of the whole thing. In a way, I felt like I was reading two different books with two different plots. Ethan’s death almost became an afterthought by the end.

My main issue with this book was that it was slow to get to the point and I found myself getting bored. Boring is never a word I want to use to describe a book I’m reading. However, the mystery of what happened to poor Ethan kept me engaged enough. I wanted more action, but it was seriously lacking in that department.

Maybe I just went in with too many expectations, but this book let me down. This was marketed as a thriller, but it wasn’t very thrilling…