A review by thedeathmaven
The Story Keeper E/a/I by Anna Mazzola


‘They’ say never judge a book by it’s cover, in the case of The Story Keeper ‘they’ definitely had it wrong. The cover of The Story Keeper definitely sets the tone of the whole book. It is mesmerisingly beautiful in it’s simplicity. The blurred edges of the island leave you feeling curious, as the misty sky hints at the intrigue within.

Folklore is such a huge part of culture, as are myths and legends. Within the UK there are a number of locations where that culture is particularly strong and the Scottish Highlands and Islands is definitely one of them. As an avid reader of local folklore and the spoken word traditions of passing the story from one person to the next I was excited to read The Story Keeper.

The narrative and flow of The Story Keeper is flawless, every word feels as if it has been considered, their is not a single paragraph or even sentence where you question it’s presence. It is clear that the author had a very clear vision of what this book was to be and that she had a supportive editing team.

Slowly layers of mystery and intrigue are revealed from the reason as to why Audrey has applied for the post of a folklorists assistant. To the islanders themselves who are frequently suspicious of not only the new but also anything that can not be explained.

Audrey is a strong protagonist who will have you rooting for her throughout the book, however the most enthralling character is the setting. The Isle of Skye provides an atmospheric and eerie tone to the whole nature of the book. It’s presence is constant, their influencing the characters and events on the island. The various locations are described beautifully and atmospherically that they add to the mysterious secrets the island is shrouded in.

The mystery slowly gathers pace, with hints and clues left subtle throughout. As the suspense grows you feel more tense as the events unfold. The evocative ending is achieve partially because of this, and it is an ending that leaves you as the reader satisfied.

I loved The Story Keeper from the amazing and wonderful use of folk-lore, Scottish mythology and the supernatural. The Isle of Skye is the perfect setting to create the gothic atmosphere that wonderfully allows for the intrigue and paranormal characteristics of the book.

This is a truly wonderful book and one I would heartily recommend.