A review by ezichinny
Lethal Rider by Larissa Ione


This one starts right where Immortal Riders ended, with Thanatos (fourth horseman of the Apocalypse) in the induced comatose state. He is being kept there by his siblings, since his anger and its consequences are renowned. If you remember from the previous book, Thanatos had just discovered Regan’s duplicitous action and he was raging. Limos & Ares decided to buy time and figure out how to deal with Pestilence while hoping Thanatos’ wrath will subside.

After eight and a half months, Thanatos’ paralysis wore off before his next dose of hellhound saliva, and he escaped. He goes after the Aegi guardian, Reagan Matthews, whom he believes betrayed him. He tracked her to an Aegi headquarter and he kidnaps her. Initially he planned to force her to compensate him for the lost eight months by being his beckon and call girl. She must fulfill his every sexual desire at his every whim. But upon returning to his keep, Thanatos discovers that Regan is pregnant with his child, and worse, she plans on giving their child, Thanatos’ agimortus, away.

Thanatos is forced to reexamine his desire for revenge. Is it worth giving up the one thing he has always desired, a child and a family of his own? Is it even possible to form a family with a woman that he believes untrustworthy and loyal to the wrong people? Finally, how will he deal with Pestilence (Respesh), who wants to kill the baby as soon as it is born and the pending apocalypse?

This book was my favorite of the Lord of Deliverance series. It was packed with action, great dialogue, emotional highs and lows. It was wrought with sexual tension as well as romance. It was dark, yet full of humor. It was everything a great book ought to be. Ione did a great job fleshing out Regan’s character, her OCD behaviors and her private pain. It allowed us to understand Regan and her relationship with the Aegi. She also made Thanatos into one of my favorite heroes. He is so damaged, yet compassionate. As the Rider of Death, he seems so cold, deadly and lethal, but he actually is the most fragile of the horsemen. He was in so much pain, that it was hard not to sympathize with him. It was a joy to observe how he opened himself up to the possibility of having a family. I just couldn’t put this book down. I loved this book and I can’t wait for the next one.

At the end of this book was a preview for Rogue Rider, but I didn’t read it. I can’t take the teasing. I will wait until the entire novel is ready. Larissa Ione is definitely one of my favorite authors.

I strongly recommend, actually I insist that you must read the Demonica series, all five books in order before starting the Lord of Deliverance series. Eidolon, Shade, Wraith, Lore and Sin all make appearances with their mates. Their history will help you understand their talents and gifts.


***e-arc received from Netgalley***