A review by bookaddict1975
Not The One by Amy Daws


🎧 Audio Review 🎧
2nd Listen

I listened to all the Harris Brothers books last week and decided to listen to the London Lovers series when I was done. When I got to this book I was surprised to see I had already listened to it 2 years ago. I didn't remember it at all and have no idea why I would listen to only book 4 and I almost didn't re-listen after reading my original review, I thought why listen again if I didn't love it the 1st time but in the end I decided to give it a new shot now that I had the back story on all these characters and let me tell you, It made all the difference! Having the character backgrounds, this book was so different for me. I felt so much more for Reyna & Liam and was so happy to see them find their way to each other. And Hayden.... seriously I never imagined Hayden this way when I listened to Harris Brothers, I couldn't have imagined him being this damaged in the past and I am seriously looking forward to Vi & Hayden's book more than ever now!

***Audio Review 3/22/2016***

I had a hard time rating this book. I enjoyed the writing style and the story line but I did have a few issues with this book. The characters for one were very hard to connect with for me. Reyna was way to much a drama queen for me. I get that she knew loss but it felt like an excuse to be damaged too me (especially the whole sisters thing). She was a love tornado, taking down every man in her wake and turning a blind eye to their feelings claiming no one could love her. Her now best friend Hayden is an alcoholic with issues stemming from his sisters death. They are a terrible pair, they fed into each others problems and she is blind to all the issues their friendship creates for him especially. Liam is her "dead best friends fiancé", she has a history with him and she runs, crushing him when he needs her most. I loved his character even though he dealt with way more crap then I would have. In the end I love that all of these characters found their way and grew. Even though I had things I didn't like, this book did exactly what a book should, it sucked me in from page one and I didn't stop until it was over. The story line, the writing, the narration and the great cover is why I gave it 4 stars.

The narration was good. At first I didn't think I'd enjoy the accents but I got used to them very quickly.