A review by hollymakesawish
The Librarian's Guide to Homelessness: An Empathy-Driven Approach to Solving Problems, Preventing Conflict, and Serving Everyone by Ryan J. Dowd


Dowd brings up one of the most important, and often disregarded facts about homelessness: "Money is not the only resource that matters. Relationships are a resource too. You don't need money if you have friends or family willing to help." He goes on to say "Most people who are poor will never be homeless because they have friends or family who will prevent that" and "You only end up in a shelter when every single person you know has given up on you... you only become homeless when *everyone* you have ever trusted has failed you."

I think this should be required reading for LIS students who are public librarian track. He provides a lot of education around homelessness, as well as skills to use and how to respond to different scenarios. I think a lot of librarians already practicing in public libraries will already have these skills, though, at least if they have compassion. For the ones who don't... well, I don't know if this book will change their minds. I hope so.

On why I gave 2 stars: I wish that Dowd considered that people who have experienced, or are experiencing homelessness might read this book. A lot of what he writes can be distressing for people going through, or who have gone through that experience.