A review by ameserole
Up Close and Personal by Kathryn Freeman


So this is my second book by this author, Kathryn Freeman, and I can gladly say that I wasn't disappointed. Especially since I got the first book, [b:The New Guy|52958009|The New Guy|Kathryn Freeman|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1571218491l/52958009._SX50_SY75_.jpg|73790535] as an ARC and now the third book of hers, [b:Strictly Come Dating|54841053|Strictly Come Dating|Kathryn Freeman|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1596788022l/54841053._SY75_.jpg|85562579], is also an ARC!

After enjoying Up Close and Personal, I'm honestly excited to dive into the next book. I mean, it didn't take long for me to fall in love with Sam and Ryan in the first book. Then after meeting Zac and Kat, it did take me a while to like them. Once they did become likable, it was hard not to see the sexual tension between them. Then it was pretty easy to ship and fall in love with them as well.

Now this isn't my first book where the gender roles are a bit reversed. Meaning, the girl is the bodyguard and the guy is the famous actor. Nor should it be the first book. I mean, anyone can be in any job position so more power to them.

Kat is pretty good at her job. She is smart and calculated and always puts her life on the line. That being said, after meeting Zac.. I don't think she quite expected to fall for him. Or develop any sort of feelings either. Or vice versa. These two were pretty adorable and you could see how genuine they felt for one another. There was just one thing getting in the way: Zac's stalker.

There were some scenes and chapters where you can see Kat getting frustrated with herself for getting easily distracted by Zac. Yet, it was bound to happen when they started to like and flirt with one another. Boundaries were crossed but she still ended up protecting him no matter what. Even if it was a close call a time or two.

Other than that, I feel like the whole stalker situation went by pretty quickly. Then there were some chapters where these two annoyed me. It's like they didn't know how to act towards one another sometimes.. and they would just be petty brats. Eventually they pulled their heads out of their own asses and started to be less annoying (for me).

In the end, I'm down to read the next book. I hope it's another good one.