A review by bez9918
Stone Blind by Natalie Haynes


I found this to be interesting but lacking the depth I was hoping for. It is an attempt to tell Medusa’s story, as a victim of both the gods and Perseus. It also combines the idea of Medusa both starting off as a gorgon as well as being mortal.
This jumps around to a lot of different perspectives which I believe was an attempt to make the story feel more well rounded but I thought it prevented a deeper connection with the character we were supposed to be focusing on. I did love the section when we get the perspective of her snakes. I thought that was super well done and interesting without moving away from Medusa.
I’m also unsure of how I feel about painting Medusa solely as a victim. I understand trying to show a view of her that isn’t a monster but she was fully passive this entire book. The only actions she takes isn’t even painted as her own, they are painted as a separate being-Medusa’s severed head. Medusas head is characterized as separate from the character we had been seeing. I think having our intended focus being something deserving of pity doesn’t leave a good taste in my mouth.
Interesting take on the story of Perseus and Medusa but I wish it had been more than it was.