A review by laurenjodi
Dark Queen by Faith Hunter


Dark Queen
4 Stars

Series note:As each installment relies heavily on events and characters, both major and minor, from previous books, it is essential that the series be read in order. It would be impossible for new readers to come in at this point and hope to understand what is going on.

In preparation for the upcoming final release in the series (#15), I decided to re-read books #1-11 (where I had stopped). The re-read only reinforced my appreciation for Hunter's incredibly detailed world-building, sophisticated plotting and amazing characterization. The twists and turns of Dark Queen continue in this vein with the arrival of the European vampires, who plan to usurp Leo's power and enslave the city of New Orleans.

While some of the lead-up to the final confrontation is slow-going, the information is necessary, and the reward makes it all worthwhile as the gladiator-style blood challenge duels with the European vampires are both exciting and nerve-racking. The entire episode reads like a suped-up chapter from The Hunger Games with familiar characters, some beloved and others not so much, fighting for their lives.

The updates on Jane and her posse are the highlight of the book. The mix of humans, witches, vampires, weres as well as one very special Onorio, and Beast (of course) who comprise Clan Yellowrock is a true reflection of how far Jane has come from the solitary rogue-hunter at the beginning of the series. Considering the final twist at the end of this book, it appears that she will need each and every one of them in her corner.

Overall, a satisfying conclusion to this particular story arc and it will be interesting to see where Hunter takes Jane next. Wherever it is, there needs to be more Bruiser . . .