A review by kristy_k
Wrong Turn, Right Direction by Elle Casey


2.5 Stars

I have mixed feelings about this book. I enjoyed the overall premise, an unlucky girl who gets caught up with the Russian mafia accidentally becomes involved with a man who could just help save her life. Right away there is a twist
Spoiler she's pregnant, but does not realize it and gives birth to the baby with the help of the MC male
that added a good subplot.

However, I had some issues with this book. For one, I felt we were dropped right into the middle of the story when it opens up. I actually thought I had accidentally skipped a few pages when I started because of how it begins. Secondly, I wish that we could have had Thibault's POV. Instead we get a whole lot of Mika eavesdropping and that's how we "hear" his side of things or what is going on with him and his friends. This seems implausible because if he is such a good securities guy you'd think he'd be more aware of his surroundings and how his voice carries in certain areas. Also, how many times can one possibly eavesdrop?

I also felt there was a lot of unfinished business as far as the mafia plot line was concerned. It all just sort of tampers out. There are still questions and seeing as each book in this series is a standalone, this means we won't be getting the answers to what seems to be pretty important matters as far as Mika is concerned.

Lastly, and this is more of a personal preference, but I did not like the insta-love. I don't believe that in five days you can fall in love with someone, especially not when so much of that time is taken up by running and hiding. (Also, I found myself rolling my eyes whenever Mika and Thibault got mad at each other for not fully trusting the other. You've only known each other for days. It's ridiculous to believe you've earned that right yet.)

With all of that being said, I did enjoy it. I haven't read any of the other books in this series, but I did like the side characters and can see myself going back to read their stories.

As a last caveat, I wish there were more descriptors of the characters. I had a hard time seeing them in my mind as I had no idea what they looked like. Very little is said about their appearance.