A review by enne
Crowded #1 by Christopher Sebela


For a 30-page start to the story, this installment manages to pack quite a lot in. I found myself incredibly intrigued right from the first page. The authors do a really good job of establishing a world that I immediately wanted to know more about because it's so ingrained in our characters' lives. Everyone who has read more than one review from me knows that I read mostly for the characters and really could not care less about the plot unless the characters make me care about it and this graphic novel did just that! I am extremely curious to know more about both of our main characters and I cannot wait to see what's going to be revealed about them in future installments. Unfortunately, this installment on its own didn't have much going for it because it was the beginning and I wasn't as invested in the story as I wish I could have been, which is why my rating is a three star, HOWEVER, I am planning on continuing with the series because I really do think this is one of those cases where it's going to get better and better as the series continues.