A review by lezreadalot
The Ruin of a Rake by Cat Sebastian


Bro. Bro!!!!!!!!!!!!

I really loved this novel. Here are some of the things contained therein:

Spoiler- A charming, devilish rake of a hero who's secretly super vulnerable and aching and yearning for love after searching for it in many quarters and being denied it in most of them. Courtenay's ALLOWED to be vulnerable, though the journey there is tough for him. This wasn't the trope where there's an asshole character with a heart of gold; he's a freaking sweetheart who heaps on the charm and sarcasm and has been free with his body while his heart was neglected. And I loved that. I loved HIM from almost there very beginning because he was a damned nice person and it didn't take a lot of digging to see that.
- A stiff, stuffy, social climber of a hero who gradually learns that societal acceptance is way less important than he'd previously thought. I liked that Julian thought of himself as thoroughly unromantic, but he freaking fell in love with a dude through seeing his portrait and hearing tales of him. Lovely. His gradual realisation that he's worthy of love and capable of giving it was just the best. (God and the same for Courtenay, too.)
- The most wonderful declaration of love scene I've ever encountered in a romance, probably. "I wish you only the best." I recently read the Mason Deaver book and this line made me scream lmao.
- Loving and careful D/s.
- An ending where all of the characters of the series come together and have a big gay picnic where they're all aware of their natures, but no one speaks about it, but they're all comfortable and happy and fuck that made me so happy and weepy. Especially as seen through Courtenay's eyes.
- Little revelations and big revelations that made me gasp. (Like, when we realise that Don Lorenzo was mostly based on Julian himself, that he'd cast HIMSELF as the villain. T_T)
- Lots and lots of kittens. Like, therapeutic amounts of them.

A word on he narrator: I liked him! He does a pretty okay accent, and I actually really liked his drawl for Courtenay.

Oh man I really enjoyed this book. The standout for me is Courtenay, who was funny and charming and a bit of a dick and kind and brave, in how he exposed himself and his heart even after enduring so much of society's hate and scorn and I'm just so glad to see him, in particular, get a happy ending. There are doubtless other things I liked about the book, and definitely things I didn't like that I can't remember right now. But all in all... gah. Really good.

4.5 stars.