A review by chelsea_jack
Thornbrook Park by Sherri Browning Erwin


One of the things I liked most about Thornbrook Park is that the heroine is a widow, and she's got more freedom to pursue an affair because of that. This was such a novelty for me. She's not painted as being promiscuous - I've seen a variety of 'mistress/courtesan' type historical romances recently released - but she's also not forced to be the demure, virginal debutante as is so common in historical romance.

Thornbrook Park was sweet and emphasized responsibility to family and friends. I love that Eve and Marcus can understand and sympathize with the needs and desires of the people in their lives, even to the detriment of their own growing attraction. That conflict (as opposed to the business around Eve's finances, which for some reason didn't feel quite as threatening as I think it should have) felt genuine. Trying to be respectful and supportive of our family and friends is something that I think we can all understand.

I loved the use of railroads - that sense that travel is easier in this early twentieth century time period, and that it was common really appealed to my inner historian.

I'm not sure I'm on board for the rest of the series - I'm curious about Marcus' detective friend finding love, but less interested in learning more about his brother and sister-in-law.

I would happily recommend this - and to people who like their historical fiction pre-1900, because that's usually me too, and I found a lot to love in Thornbrook Park!!

See this and other reviews on my blog: ToEachTheirOwnReviews.com

Received via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.