A review by danapr
In Search of a Prince by Toni Shiloh


This story is told in first person by Brielle, a twenty-five year old middle school teacher living in NYC when she unexpectedly learns that her father (who was married to her mother but died at a young age) was the heir to the throne of a small African island nation. Due to a falling out between her mother and her grandfather, the king, Brielle has had no idea that she is next in line to the throne until her grandfather is dying and requests her presence and consideration to become the next ruler. When Brielle agrees to become queen after feeling led to do so by God, she learns that she must be married in order to succeed her grandfather, thus her search for a prince.
I received a complimentary copy of this book to review so I did finish it but this is definitely not the genre for me. I typically do not like romance novels in general but this one is especially corny and painfully predictable. I really think it should be rated as YA as the main young adult characters are extremely immature, constantly “squealing” with delight like middle schoolers. The book is also classified as Christian fiction and this is also a central theme. There were some “twists” towards the end but so predictable that I wanted to rush to finish the book so I could move on to more enjoyable reading worth my time. The cover of the book is beautiful and I was hopeful for more but it didn’t happen for me. I see that other reviewers gave this book higher ratings so I think that readers of Christian romance will probably find it more enjoyable than I did.
Thanks to Open Book for the complimentary copy of this book.