A review by alisoun
Flowers from the Storm by Laura Kinsale



This was definitely interesting. 

Rather heavy on the religion (Maddy is a Quaker). I think I liked that aspect of it, coming from someone who is not and wasn't raised religious at all. I can see some people having issues with her. She is very pious but it's Cleary just who she is so I can accept that. 

Christian was, imo, a great and awful hero. He, and his friends acting for who he was pre stroke, totally took advantage of Maddy but he was also the one to fall first, and he clearly didn't fully comprehend what his friends were doing. Imo wished they had been punished more. 

I wish we had had Maddy's second letter read out in the book. 

The sex scenes were rather ... Idk fluffy? Old fashioned? One scene of two got more into the physical specifics. A lot of the sex is very stand offish. 

Now my big issue came from Christian being a billionaire! Could not stand the multiple pages talking about the specifics of random loans and everything being not real and held together by mortgages and borrowing. I actually wanted them to say screw it all, give up the dukedom and live at their castle on a trust. I would have LOVED it. Not because I think a person with a stroke can't have financial freedom, but to subvert the whole duke trope and also to make Maddy (more) comfortable with her marriage. I also hate the concept.of dukes and like all royality things in general. Cat Sebastian did it in Marian Hayes and I wanted it here so badly. I don't think 1992 was ready for that. 

I have a lot of thoughts I will need to add after book group. 

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