A review by heyitsjude
Twisted Games - Special Edition by Ana Huang


So far I have mixed feelings about all the books I’ve read in this series. They’re not terrible, but it’s also not amazing. Honestly, considering the way the last book played out I was expecting more drama. Lol I actually think I like the first book more because of how ridiculously dramatic it is.

This book follows another girl from the Twisted series friend group. Bridget von Ascheberg. In the first book in the twisted series we see her enjoying life as a normal student, but that changes in this second book when her brother steps down from his role as King for love. Leaving Bridget to take over the throne. She now has to step into a life she never wanted. To make matters worse she’s fallen for the one person she can’t have. Rhys Larsen her bodyguard.

This book reminded me of the Princess Diaries except the Princess Diaries still remains superior. I went through a rollercoaster with this book. I enjoyed part 1 and I liked seeing the development of their friendship. But once Bridget has to step into her role as Queen in part 2 the scenes begin to feel a bit monotonous. With the exception of the last few chapters of part 2 those were where all the drama was lol. I found that the most entertaining. I also enjoyed the surprise appearance of past twisted series characters. With that being said, I both liked and disliked this book.

The plot itself had potential but the way it was written out at times felt redundant. Also I didn’t like Rhys’ POV chapters. That man needs to CHILL. Like he cannot keep it in his pants lmao. I get that there’s sex in this book. But you cannot go a single one of his chapters without a part of his internal monologue being about how badly he wants to bang Bridget lol. He’s horny from day one. I think this book is more insta-lust than the slow burn people talk about when raving about this book. I wanted more tension and build up between the two. It makes it more interesting than Rhys wanting to immediately do it upon first seeing her.

Though I have my issues with book I still very much enjoyed it. There’s something about these books that makes me want to read them despite the fact they’re not the best thing in the world. So far my ranking for the twisted book series is as follows.

1. Twisted Love ( 3 stars )
2. Twisted Games ( 2.5 stars )

I’ve only read 2/4 books and surely this will change since I’m still continuing with this series. I’m finally onto the book I’ve been waiting for Twisted Hate.