A review by kimball_hansen
The Rise and Reign of the Mammals: A New History, from the Shadow of the Dinosaurs to Us by Steve Brusatte


At least narrate your own book. He's barely a few years older than me. When I took my dinosaur class at BYU I remember thinking that everything has been discovered and there's no more frontier. I don't know how much or if he discovered anything but he still had fun geological digs.

For a book about mammals he sure talked about dinosaurs a lot - half the book. He even mentioned that dinosaurs used to be his favorite animals but now mammals are. I think evidence shows otherwise. We'll see how his dinosaur book is when I read that in a few weeks.

He almost got it right how early hominids learned to walk upright. But the ocean played more of a role with it.


The reason why there's so much coal in Pennsylvania because it was a swampy rainforest before and all those huge trees got trapped under and turned to coal.

I'm my surprised the author touts his pathetic climate change badge but the smug way he does it is annoying. Yet he wrote, "the earth recovered as it always does ..." So what's he and all the other filthy libs afraid of when it comes to climate change?

Birds can't hear as well as mammals is because they only have one bone in the ear not three like we do. The ancient jawbones of those reptiles turned to ear bones for the mammals.

Bataar means hero in Mongolia.

They used GIS to map the landscape of teeth for these ancient mammals.

Animals in hotter areas are smaller than their contemporaries in colder areas. Make sense why those Scandinavians are so tall.

I like this statement, he says that evolution doesn't plan ahead It only operates in the moment, adapting organisms to the immediate challenges they face.

So the author admits we're in a small ice age that is a little bit warm right now but it is due to revert back into a colder phase of the ice age. He says that is a positive trend of global warming because we're suppressing that ice age. Why aren't these leftists supporting it then?