A review by lezreadalot
How They Met, and Other Stories by David Levithan


...I'm honestly a little insulted that in this really sweetly written, poignant collection of stories about love, only one of them featured an f/f relationship. And it didn't even end in sappy romance! YOU LET ME DOWN, DAVID LEVITHAN!!!

(Not that I disliked "Miss Lucy had a Steamboat". I really liked it! We just got a lot of different m/m relationships, a lot of different m/f relationships... and then this. ;u;)

Reading this made me remember why David Levithan was my favourite author when I was in my teens, and why he remains so now. His style is also so simple and frank and open, and not to be a sap but I just love how he writes about LOVE. The more abstract pieces didn't work for me, I think he shines best when he's just telling a plain old story, but each piece had something about it that I liked, whether in the themes or the language or the style or the characters.

Favourite story in the collection was "Princes". Levithan writes really sweet teen romance but he also does sibling relationships really well.These two are my kids. :')

Really enjoyable collection.