A review by isabellm
Sweet Like Poison by Julia Wolf


If you told me after the first Savage River book that I would want Elena’s story and for her to have a happy ending of her own I would never have believed you. Do I think every one of her previous misdeeds are okay, nope, but man do I fully understand now how and why she came to be that way and why she did some of the things she did. That is the power of a good story teller and well crafted characters. Over the course of the series JW has taken a character I hated and made me love her in all her prickly, bitchy, pink bat wielding glory. She was strong, smart, ambitious,beautiful, vulnerable, ugly, mean, rude and messy and I loved her for every bit of it.

Elena and Lachlan were everything I hoped they would be. Loved them together even if they were silly fools thinking they could do light and easy. Lachlan was a wonderful, taciturn, protective, supportive teddy bear and frustrating dummy. There were so many moments where his actions were perfect but then his words would just fall completely short of the mark or at odds with how he was behaving/ reacting to Elena. I loved him and was just willing him to get it together and have those two things (actions plus words) sync up. It took him a while but oh when he got it right he got it right. Lots of heat