A review by kathryn08
The Testament of Caspar Schultz by Jack Higgins, Martin Fallon, Michael Page


3.5★ I chose this because it met requirements of one of the categories in one of my reading challenges this year which was to read a book that I'd seen someone reading in public. I rarely see anyone reading books in public (or if they are reading, it's on an electronic device, so I can't see what they're reading!). So come December, when I was at a Christmas event waiting for some entertainment to start, when I saw a woman reading a normal book in front of me, I sneaked a look at her book and this is what she was reading!

I've never read Jack Higgins before - I didn't think they would be quite my cup of tea, but this is one instance where reading a book just to satisfy a reading challenge category paid off, because I really enjoyed this. I partly worked out the twist, but not fully. Not my last Jack Higgins, I'm sure.