A review by judyward
A Quilter's Holiday by Jennifer Chiaverini


I used to like this series of books, but they have become too predictable as the series has gone on. I grabbed this book from the library thinking, "Hey, it's a Christmas book and I'm in the Christmas spirit." Well, thankfully, I'm actually in the Christmas spirit because otherwise I wouldn't have finished the book. The basic plot is that it is the day after Thanksgiving and the Elm Creek Quilters all meet to start/finish/continue their Christmas projects. Each of the quilter's has her own thoughts about why she is making her individual project and, of course, they all get snowed in together in a freakish early storm. The plot is a classic set up of back flashes and memories, but I was only marginally interested in each of the stories. I think that I will give the Elm Creek Quilters a rest for a while. I wasn't even captivated by the cliff-hangers--I think that I can already figure out what will happen.