A review by bookgirlmagic
Whiskey & Ribbons by Leesa Cross-Smith


“Women, you are sleek and gorgeous. You hold us together, you’re the ribbons. We’re men. Dangerous only if you take us too seriously. We’re the whiskey. To whiskey and ribbons,”

This book has just locked in a spot as one of my favorite reads so far in 2018. Brilliantly written. I'm truly enjoying books that are written from different characters perspectives. Especially when it's the same event or conversation done multiple times but from each perspective. I loved hearing how each character felt.

I will admit that for the first couple of chapters, I was confused as to the race of the characters. I really imagined them as Caucasian until a few chapters in when Frances (Dalton's on and off again girlfriend) makes one of her many sarcastic comments and makes it clear what race they all are. I kind of had to laugh at myself on this one.
Even with that, I loved the bond that Eamon, Evangeline and Dalton shared. It's like something I've never seen. They truly are big-hearted individuals that have a love between them like no other. Although they've all
lost and been hurt at different stages in their lives, they were there for one another to help cope with the pain. It truly was a team effort throughout the book. You've got my back and I've got yours.

Not even sure I can pick a favorite character. Each of them tugged at my heart strings in some way leaving me wanting more from the story (in a good way). I give this novel a well-deserved ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️. This should definitely be added to everyone's summer reading list!