A review by rhodered
The Principle of Desire by Delphine Dryden


Better than the second one but not nearly as good as the first.

There's BDSM and this time the woman is the domme. However, unlike the other books where the male is 100% toppy, she's essentially a switch and her love interest is as well. (Well, he's basically up for anything kinky in any direction whatsoever.) So, kind of a disappointment for anyone hoping for a pure Domme story.

I don't care much about BDSM, but anything different is a relief after the unending parade of female subs we get in so many books.

The true story is actually about finding yourself falling for a guy who isn't 'perfect', a guy with a little paunch, and maybe some more body hair than perfect guys at the gymn. I liked that idea very much, although the actual 'falling for' was covered too quickly and glibly for my taste.

This was mainly because the author wasted too many pages trying to make it a love triangle with the female lead being way too doormatty toward mr wrong. Meh. Bored and annoyed now!

If you must drag a triangle into your story, at least make it interesting by not overtly telegraphing who's the bad guy. 'Nough said.