A review by libralita
Wires and Nerve, Volume 1 by Marissa Meyer


Original Review:

First of all the art, I’m disappointed that it’s not in full color and I really don’t like the blue color scheme they went with. However the art style is pretty average, if a little bit boring. Also this cover’s color scheme reminds me of the Divergent book of Novella’s from Four’s perspective.

I really enjoyed this graphic novel, usually when I read these I always find it hard to get invested into the characters, they usually feel flat because I’m use to the novel format where you can easily expand on character. I think it’s just because I had five books + novellas with these characters but it was still enjoyable. The only problem I had structure wise is that in the beginning it recaps what happened in Winter and reintroduces the characters but it was kinda pointless because throughout the story Iko introduces them again. Those panels probably should have just been scrapped.

I think it would have been smarter to publish this book before Stars Above and the Epilogue because know what happens. I mean yes the epilogue really didn’t tell me anything that I couldn’t guess would happen like Wolf and Scarlett getting married, Kai and Cinder getting married, Iko and Kinney getting together. But still it would just make more sense.

Um, Cinder, I’m pretty sure that if you sent special operatives into an Earthen country, they’re going to be pretty pissed.

Oh my god, they made escort droids that looked like Cinder and Co, that’s hilarious. I would buy a Jacin version. They got their names wrong for some reason.

Thank you, Cinder for that exposition about who the council is made up of.

Okay, so yeah having candidates that can’t be manipulated/manipulate the demos would be good but what’s stopping them from getting other people to do it for them? Or like what’s to stop a candidate’s supporter from using their lunar gift to manipulate people into voting for their candidate?

Do all older men have epic mustaches? Jacin’s dad, Thorne’s dad. Epic mustache dads unite!

Jacin’s applying to medical school, you cutie, I love you Jacin.

Why don’t you just talk to Cinder, werewolf dude? This is all just a big misunderstanding. But I’m sure there will be a heartwarming moment when werewolf dude realizes that he was wrong.

Reread Review:

I was randomly flipping through this book and decided to just reread it for the fun of it.

I still down like that it’s all blue and white and the character designs aren’t as appealing as I remember. The only ones I like are Cress and Jacin.

“They’ll probably have media with them, and Cinder is under enough scrutiny these days.”—Page 44

Gee, it’s probably because sent Iko to hunt down these wolves behind the leaders’ backs. I bet she’s under a lot of scrutiny.

I don’t even understand why Iko needs to do this. Why don’t the world leaders create some sort of task force for their individual countries, detain and deport the wolves?

“Maybe you should send help after all, but not tell Earth about it? A secret agent of sorts.”—Page 50

Okay, so part of the reason the Earthens don’t trust you is because you secretly sent in these hybrid wolves to begin with. What makes you think that secretly sending in agents to detain them is going to make them feel any better? You two are destroying any Earthen-Lunar relations. It’s a good thing that Cinder isn’t queen anymore.

And Cinder’s response is not “that’s against interspace law”, it’s “who would I send to break interspace law”? Seriously?

“Seven months after the revolution and my big brother still acts lie he’s working for a tyrant.”—Tressa, Page 57

More like incompetent and inexperienced than a tyrant. Some of the dialogue is really clunky. You can tell Meyer isn’t use to the graphic novel format.

An easy way around elected officials giving up their gift is having members of their campaign team have it.