A review by violinknitter
Six Degrees of Assassination by M.J. Arlidge


I got this as an Audible Daily Deal because how could I not get a drama with both Andrew Scott & Freema Agyeman? Sadly, not even their voices can save this truly lousily-written drama. The dialogue is full of cliched phrases and non-sequiturs. The story-logic is... um... illogical to say the least. Characters were constantly saying the exact *opposite* thing from what an intelligent person in their place would say. (E.g. wife beside the bed of seriously injured, unconscious spouse: "I know it's useless for me to be here with him." Um, what??? Why????? And don't get me started on the political conversations that make NO sense!)

I gave up on the drama not even an hour into it. I'll just have to find another drama w/Scott and/or Agyeman in it, preferably one actually produced by the BBC.