A review by thewitchybibliophile
Broken Love Story by Natasha Madison


Words cannot express how much I loved this book. The first two in the series were stunning… but this one… this one just blew me away. I laughed, I cried and I totally got ragey at points! I think what I love about this book is that everything comes full circle from the start of the trilogy to this one. You get more answers and you get to see things from Samantha’s point of view. My heart broke for her. The pain that she had to endure on top of douchey inlaws. I had a bad taste in my mouth about them from the first story, but it just blows me away how this one played out. Then you have Blake. Oh my stars. Blake is the man everyone would want their daughters to date however his has ghosts in his past too. But these two together was an unexpected but stunningly beautiful story of finding love in such a tragic situation. I love watching Samantha’s character develop in this story. Especially with Blake at her side. These two together… absolutely stunning. Then you add the little girls. Oh how I loved them.
One thing I can say, is that this was an amazing conclusion to a mind blowing situation that no one expects them to be in. Seeing how this all comes to a head and watching how strong they come out in the end. How love finds a way regardless of what is thrown at you. I think Samantha and Blake’s story is my favorite though the other two books were mind blowing. There was just something about the spark and the magic in this one that kept me glued to my ereader, devouring each and every word that the author gave me. If you have not picked up this series, do so now. I cannot say enough about it. A brilliant read of the mending of two broken souls coming together in an unseemly situation and finding that spark that was lost within them together.