A review by thebookchatter
Always With Love by Giovanna Fletcher


So, to start off, I really enjoyed this book. It was nothing spectacular, mind boggling or eye opening, well maybe a little, but that doesn’t mean it wasn’t a good book. Because it was.

This is the sequel to Gi’s debut novel, Billy and Me, which I also enjoyed rather much and I think I enjoyed the first better than the sequel… I’m writing ‘enjoyed’ too much, aren’t I?


I won’t spill the beans on Always with Love, so instead I’ll leave a quick synopsis of Billy and Me.

Sophie is your average and rather plain, young woman, living in the rural English town of Rosefont Hill where she’d been all her life. She lives with her mother and works at a small tea shop. One day, a film crew comes to town – apparently a big movie is being made and without her realising, Sophie insults the star of the movie when he comes into her shop –  Hollywood Heartthrob Billy Buskin (the name is odd in the beginning, but you’ll come to like it). He immediately takes a liking to Sophie (shocker) and the two embark on a funny and cute romance that’ll have you giggling as you flip the pages. But when the movie wraps, Billy asks Sophie to come with him to London.

But can a small-town girl make her way in the big city with a famous actor who everyone wants?

Now, back to Always with Love. It had its ups and downs, but as a Chicklit it checked all the boxes.

It is not flawless though – hint, why I only gave it a 3.5 rating. Some of the language and choice of words annoyed me (mind you, this is British and contains British words and phrases that may have us foreigners looking flummoxed).

But wording aside, I enjoyed the characters; Sophie is a person we can all relate to in some way (and by we, I mean girls) Billy is that Hollywood movie star we all wish we could meet and fall in love with because he’s just an ordinary person, who doesn’t really want all the attention that comes with starring in those blockbuster movies.

So, should you give this book a go? Yes, but I suggest you start with Billy and Me (wink) first.