A review by katgriff
Civil War II by


I don't want to invest the amount of energy that writing the ranty review this deserves. Plus, plenty of people have been doing that since these issues were dropping. Though, I think one of the things I hate most about this is the absolutely gorgeous art wasted on a terrible story. This book is definitely as pretty as it is annoying.

I didn't hate the Ms. Marvel Civil War volume, which is what inspired me to pick this up, but that volume was way better than anything from the actual line. While I mostly hate read this, it may lead me to reading some stuff I hadn't considering picking up, like Miles Morales Spider-Man & She-Hulk.

One common criticism of Civil War II was the character assassination of Carl Danvers, so this is where I admit that other than her brief appearances in Ms Marvel, I haven't read much Captain Marvel, which I also plan to change soon.

Also, Marvel, maybe stop killing black characters to make white characters have feelings. You know, just a thought. Rhodey did not deserve this shit.